Think of all the things and people in your life that you are thankful for. Take time to tell them how important they are to you. Half Day on Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
Spirit week continues. Monday--pajama day; Tuesday--Disney day; and Wednesday--Black and Teal. Remember if you participate in three days and get your card signed by Mrs. King she will give you a Homework Pass!!! PEP RALLY on Wednesday!! This is still a week with assignments and tests!
Biology--Unit Test this week on Homeostasis, Levels of Organization: cells, tissue, organ, organ system, and finally an organism. From there on to the Integumentary and Skeletal Systems, Muscles--smooth, cardiac and skeletal (Do you know where each is found in your body? Which one do you control?), Nervous system--remember you need to be able to label a neuron and know what neurotransmitters do, and finally the Endocrine System. Make sure you complete your study guide and STUDY!!!!!! Extra help will be available after school Monday in my room, 241.
English: Of Mice and Men continues. If you were absent last week you need to catch up on your reading and find out what happened when Lennie went into Crooks room. Vocabulary quiz was last Friday so if you were out, make it up before you forget the words.
History: This term you should have completed Chapter 3 (1), (2), (4) (5) already, Chapter 27 (3) and 12 (1) and (2) are due this week. Short week, but there are assignments due after the Thanksgiving break. Mr. Stanton will distribute this week. Make sure you are keeping up with the work. You should have also completed at least two (2) current event sheets as well.
Algebra: Chapter 6 test--Solving Systems of Equations to be finished.