Monday, September 28, 2015

Mid-term is Almost Here--September 28 - October 2

Can you believe that we have been in school for a whole month, and now it is time for progress reports? This year there will be no paper progress reports unless a student is doing poorly in which case, guidance counselor's will mail a paper copy.  Instead, check your son/daughter's Aspen account for an up-to-date account of their progress. You can check your child's progress weekly to ensure timely completion of work. Any questions, please contact the school.

Museum of Science permission slips were sent home last week. All Freshman will be attending the field trip on October 14. Permission slips are due by October 9 signed by a parent. The cost is $20.00.  If for some reason you are unable to pay for the trip, please see me or Mr. Loranger. No student will be left behind for inability to pay.  Students will see exhibits and visit the IMAX theater.
Dinosaurs Alive at IMAX

Homework Club Thursday afternoons in Room 65 with Mr. Stanton. Come and get caught up on missing work, make up quizzes or tests, and just get your homework done.  National Honor Society students are there to help in different academic subjects.

Red Team Academics:

History: Russian Revolution and finish up World War I. Make sure your homework from the September 21 assignment sheet is complete.  Did you turn in your 9/11 Interviews and Propaganda poster?  With mid-term Friday it is important to get all assignments made up and turned in. New Assignment sheet for next week.  Stay on top of your assignments!

English: Animal Farm continues with connections to the Russian Revolution.  Do you know who Mollie represents?   New vocabulary assigned today--quiz on Friday, and flashcards due Wednesday.  Writing assignment this week--Don't Float a Quote.  Remember to integrate your quote into your sentence.  Preview, present, react!!!

Algebra I: Check for Connect Ed assignments several times a week. Finishing up with Slope, and then we will begin inequalities.  Make sure to do your homework nightly. 

Biology:  Unit I tests are done, but several students still need to take the quiz.  If you are not happy with your grade--make corrections and then schedule a retake.  Grades will be averaged.  Next unit is on the Cell Organelles and their functions. Vocabulary quiz this week on first 5 words--make your flashcards NOW!!! Count as extra points on the quiz.

OPEN HOUSE -- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 from 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M  Come and follow your students' schedule, meet teachers and hear about exciting things in the works.

Deer silhouetted against Blood Moon Eclipse on September 28, 2015 in Belarus

Eclipse of "Supermoon" on Sunday night. What an awesome event! Won't be seen again for another 18 years.  Did you see this at your house?