Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 4 - 8, 2016

Good Morning Red Team! It appears that Mother Nature has pulled a April Fool's joke on us just a few days late.  The calendar says "spring", but not Mother Nature.  We should be looking at the Red Sox Opening Day but no, this is the scene out the door.

Oh well, TERM 4 has started and we are on the final countdown to the end of the 2015-2016 school year. REPORT CARDS will be distributed this Friday.  1/2 Day on Wednesday, April 6, 2016.

English: To Kill A Mockingbird continues.  The Court scene will be acted out this week, as we continue to to deal with the injustice of the time period.

Biology: Genetics Test on Monday for CP2, and then Wednesday the Human Genetics unit will begin.

World History: Chapter 18(4) is due this week, and Benjamin Franklin video will finish up.  On to the Revolutions.

Algebra: Stay on top of ConnectEd this term. Make sure that you do your Homework regularly.

Homework Club is on Thursdays, and I stay on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. No excuse for not getting your work done.  Make this a great term, Red Team!