Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 25 CHRIS HERREN - April 29, 2016

This week we had the opportunity to hear CHRIS HERREN, former Celtics player and recovering addict speak to us in a moving presentation.  His underlying question was Why?  Why wasn't I strong enough to be myself without drugs, alcohol, etc.  Why did I put myself and my family in jeopardy?  Self-esteem and self-worth are issues that teenagers deal with, along with family situations that are disturbing and disruptive to feeling good about themselves.  Previously, he has spoken more about his story--from the heights of success to the depths of his addictions; but this year brought up the underlying questions of why that face many of us.  We all deal with situations differently, and it is important to know that there are many people who care that students can talk to--don't be afraid to ask for Help!

The school year is starting to come to a close--seniors only have four more weeks, sophomore are getting ready to finish up the Math MCAS, and freshman will be taking Bio MCAS the first week in June.  Stay on top of your academics, extra help is available from your teachers, Homework Club is Thursdays in room 27 with Mrs. King.  Before you know it, the school year will be over.

ELA: Starting our last book--A Separate Peace with vocabulary and comprehension study guide questions. Students will be expected to read independently and complete questions this term.  Chapter 1 in class Tuesday, read chapter 2 independently for Thursday's class.

History: Finish up the French Revolution and starting the Industrial Revolution.  Chapter 19 (4) and Chapter 21 (4) are due by the end of the week.  Stay on top of homework or you are just throwing away points.

Algebra: Continuing with Radicals Packet.  Remember it counts as a quiz grade.  Don't get behind!

Biology:  Genetics has ended, unless you still need to make up your quest from before vacation.  Take care of that this week while the information is still fresh in your mind.  Starting new topic this week so stay tuned!!!

Spring sports have started, the play Football Romeo is this Thursday after school (free for students and faculty) and Friday night ($5.00).  Since there are late buses, take the opportunity to stay and see the drama group presentation Thursday, and support your classmates.

Have a great week Red Team.