Monday, January 16, 2017

From Martin Luther King Day through Mid-Year Exams to Donald Trump's Inauguration as President

This is indeed a monumental week from celebrating Martin Luther King Day and remembering his "I Have A Dream" speech, to the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Whether you agree or not, it is time to put aside differences and consider that all people should be treated equally and have the same rights.

John Locke said, "
so as we begin the peaceful transition of power within the government of the United States with a new president, Donald Trump says, "it is time to Make America Great Again!"

Mid-Year Exams are underway already.  B4 and B3 exams were completed on Friday, January 13. Tuesday exams are for A1 and A2 classes, Wednesday is for B1 and B2 classes, and finish up on Thursday with A4 and A3 exams.  Only Thursday is a 1/2 day; all other days have exams in the morning, then the other two classes.  Friday, January 20 will be a regular school day with K Block.   Make sure that you complete your study guides, stay after school for extra help and reinforcement if you are unsure of a concept, and get a good nights sleep and eat a good breakfast!

Term 2 ends Friday, and students will receive second semester schedules at the end of the day Friday.  You still have time to turn in missing work for credit as long as it is before Friday, January 20th.

 Have a good week Red Team, and Study Hard!!