Sunday, January 31, 2016

February 1 - 5, 2016

If this is the way you felt on Friday when you got your report card, then it is time to make some definite changes. 

  • Write your assignments in your agenda or download the My Homework App and write assignments there.  
  • Set a definite time and place to do your homework--make it a routine.
  • Homework Club with Mr. Stanton on Thursday afternoon in room 67.  There are National Honor Society students available to help with tutoring.
  • Stay after school for extra help with your teachers.
  • Stay with Mrs. Baker in room 241 on Tuesday and/or Thursday for extra help.
This is just the beginning of term 3 so there is no time like the present to make a positive change to your homework routine so that you can improve your grades.

English: Romeo and Juliet continues. CP2 Rough draft of journal entry for Romeo or Juliet's response to meeting the other and discovering they are from enemy families is due Monday, February 1. Vocabulary quiz.  Are you in a quandary over what to do first?  Decisions, decisions?

History: Chapter 15 sections (3), (4), and (5) are due Monday, February 1 from last week.  Don't forget to do your  current events this week.  New assignments will be given in class this week--Chapter 13 (4) and Chapter 16 (1).

Biology:  DNA folder work continues as you learn how your cells make more DNA and you become you.  Vocabulary quiz on Monday for first 5 words from the Word Wall..

Algebra:  Quadratic equations continue.  Graphing and making tables, then solving.  Remember, now you are to find the axis of symmetry   -b/2a 

Two weeks until vacation, Red Team!  We can do it.