Final Exams begin on Tuesday, June 13 and end on Friday, June 16, 2017. Schedule follows:
Tuesday: A4 exam 7:20-9:00, then A3 exam 9:10-10:50 followed by A2 and A1
Wednesday: B4 exam 7:20-9:00, then B3 exam 9:10-10:50, followed by B2 and B1
Thursday: Comm Block 7:20-7:30, A1 exam 7:30-9:10, then A2 exam 9:25-11:05 Dismissal
Friday: Comm Block 7:20-7:30, B1 exam 7:30-9:10, then B2 exam 9:25-11:05 Dismissal
This has been a good year, Red Team! One more week of hard work, then you can enjoy your summer. Study your review sheets, put in the time, do your review packets. Remember, final exam grades, along with your mid-term exam grade, are averaged as 20% of your yearly grade.
This will be the last entry on this blog, as I too, get ready to enjoy not only the summer but begin my retirement. I have been with Plymouth Public Schools since the fall of 1986, and am looking forward to spending time with family, friends, and doing some traveling. It has been a wonderful experience working with so many wonderful teachers and students over the past thirty years, and I know that I shall miss you all. Thank you Plymouth Public Schools!