Progress reports are this Friday. Check Aspen, and make up any missing work before then so that you are caught up and can finish the year with less stress.
ELA: Of Mice and Men is finished, and we are working on the writing assignment to accompany the book. You should have at least three paragraphs already, and should be thinking of writing your additional paragraphs. Also make sure that your Hometown poem is in the revision process.
History: Weekly homework assignments need to be completed. Chapters 19 (4) late, Chapter 22 (3) and 709 (due this week), Chapter 22 (1) and (2) have been assigned and are due next week. Current events 1 and 2 are now due. Napoleon Bonaparte video this week.
Algebra: Pythagoras, Pythagoras, Pythagoras.
Biology: Evolution continues. Changes over time. Make sure that you stay up with your assignments. If you are missing any assignments, make them up and get them turned in.
Does this sound like a broken record--missing work needs to be made up and turned in. You are only hurting yourself by throwing away points. Remember, your midyear and final exams are averaged together and then averaged with your four term grades. You can do this, if you put forth good solid effort.