Welcome to grade 9 and Freshman Academy at Plymouth South High School. It was nice to see and meet so many of you at the Freshman Orientation and Ice Cream Social. Hope you found a sport or club to sign up for. You are now part of the RED Team. There are five Red Team teachers: Mr. Clifford, Math; Mrs. King, Biology; Ms. Schiarizzi, English; Mr. Stanton, World History; and I am Mrs. Baker, the Learning Specialist/Inclusion Co-teacher. Mrs. Vincent is the Instructional Paraprofessional on the Red Team, and works with me and your teachers.
As the Learning Specialist I teach study skills to help with class and homework assignments. I also co-teach classes with your English, math, world history, and biology teachers. Homework completion is particularly important this year. You have an agenda to write down assignments on a daily basis. Get into the habit of writing assignments down each period so that you "don't forget". Time management is a learned skill. It does not miraculously develop when you are 12, 14, or even 16. It is a skill that develops over time--so start now by recording your daily assignments, quiz or test dates, as well as project due dates. Also plan to study for tests and quizzes a little each night so that your brain can file the information in the file draw known as long-term memory, not go into "overload". This will be particularly important since you have a block schedule this year. That means only four classes each day. Don't worry you will get used to the A1, A4, B1, B4 day schedule.
If you need help with an assignment or project, come see me--I am in room 241 before school or on team during the day. My study skills class is period B4 in room 241.You can also get help during directed study during K block.
Parents: Open House is on Thursday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m. In the meantime, if I can be of any help to you, please feel free to email me at kbaker@plymouth.k12.ma.us or call me at (508) 224-7512, ext. 1117 and I will be happy to return your call.
But wait, there are only three days of school the first week, then we have Friday through Monday off to continue our summer vacation and enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Let's hope for good weather!
I know that we will have a productive, exciting and fun-filled year. See you Tuesday, and let the fun begin!