After a snow storm Friday that left Plymouth covered with heavy wet snow, and SNOW DAY #1, here we go again with SNOW DAY #2. This time it looks like we are in for a blizzard, 12+ inches of snow, and coastal flooding. Old Sandwich Road may look pretty now, but there were lots of trees branches down all around Plymouth last Friday.
Snow days impact the school calendar as well. When we go back to school it will be a B4 day just like it was supposed to be last Friday. We will have to make up the two snow days (so far) in June.
Mrs. King--BIO has already sent out REMIND that your DNA test and vocabulary quiz will be on Friday as scheduled originally. This is not the week to slack off since we will be working hard to stay on schedule. Make sure that your vocabulary is done, and make your flash cards/study for that part of the test.
Ms. Schiarizzi--ELA also sent out REMIND that our Masquerade Ball will be the day we come back. Make sure that your mask and index card are done.
Mr. Stanton--HISTORY has two chapters 13(4) and 16(1) also due when we get back, along with a couple of other short assignments on last week's sheet for separate homework credit. Make sure you do your work while you are at home.
Mr. Clifford--ALGEBRA assigned two problems in the new packet to make tables. You have had practice so should be able to do this as well.
It will be a short week, with Wednesday still a 1/2 day, then two days afterwards before vacation. Make sure that you stay on top of your work, and don't just wait for Study Skills. You can do this!!!
Enjoy the snow today, and hopefully you will not lose power and can do fun things as well as get caught up on work.