Are your ready? Have you started filling out your study guides? Do some every night so that you are not cramming at the end. You have a better chance of retaining information if you put in time every night to study--your brain is like a filing cabinet. If you take the time to put information in the correct folder and then file it properly then you will be able to find it when you need it. Does that remind you of what I say about your binders? Pocket file cabinets and just throwing papers in any which way means a waste of time and energy trying to find the papers you need. Take the time to put papers into the rings of your binder in the correct section so that you can find them easily.
English: Review continues for the mid-year exam, but the MAJOR PROJECT is finish your final drafts of the Of Mice and Men essay. Essay is due on Tuesday, January 12. Exam for English is Friday morning. Keep doing the practices, and look over your study guide notes.
History: All bookwork should be turned in by now, and the focus should be on completing the STUDY GUIDE. Do a little each night and look for the connections between people and topics. Exam is Tuesday, the day after Martin Luther King holiday.
Biology: Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, January 12 --last 10 words on digestion. Quiz on Digestion will be on Wednesday, the 1/2 day (multiple choice only, no open response). Exam is Wednesday, January 20. Make sure you study the papers from Mrs. King, and fill out the study guide pages. Extra help is available after school!
Algebra: Review has started. Remember to do all the work in class and for homework since it is review of what we have done this year. Congratulations to all of you who turned your papers into Mr. Clifford during Comm Block last Friday. Extra points!!! Exam is next Thursday, January 21.
Wednesday this week--January 13 is a half day so that means all 8 periods. Stay on top of your assigned work, and do your best! Have a good week RED TEAM!