After a weekend that included a blizzard--winds and diminished visibility for more than 3 hours, the sun was out and the sky clear to a brilliant blue. Can you believe it is supposed to be almost 50 degrees on Tuesday? A time of change, and that is what this week is as we change to term 3 and begin the second half of the school year.
New schedules were distributed on Friday afternoon so you should be all set to make the changes--some electives, gym/health, etc. You will get color coded blank schedules in Study Skills this week.
Study Skills begins for the second semester. That means you have earned 2.5 credits toward your graduation from your semester courses (gym, health, electives, Study Skills, etc.). You do not earn credits until the course is completed (ELA, history, science and math are full year classes). As you head toward your sophomore year, it is time for more responsibility and independence. There will be new procedures for the new semester--more responsibility and independence but at the same time, you are being held accountable for your daily actions and grades. If you do not do the work, you do not get the grade. Remember, teachers are here to facilitate your learning but a just the scorekeepers for grades. You are not given grades, you must earn them!!!
ELA: You have finished and presented your sonnets, and now it is time to start Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, or did he write it? We saw the video about some historians that are questioning whether Shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him, or whether it was Christopher Marlowe.
Make sure you stay on top of your vocabulary and activities that go with the play.
Biology: Starting DNA--after making our folders, and doing the first six works on your wall. You have most of the notes, and will continue the project in class on Tuesday, B4. Some of you will begin making the DNA folders on Monday, getting started on the notes and working on your word wall.
Algebra: Stay tuned! Don't forget to check your ConnectEd each week. Some of you lost points last term because you did not complete the on-line assignments. Just for a little math humor I found this poster--I know that some of you agree with this, but here we go again. Time to engage brain, and get out the calculator.
Don't forget to find the answer to the Question of the Week! Check the board, and write down the questions on your daily paper. Have a great week Red Team!