Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 26 to May 29, 2015

After a nice long week-end, we are back to classes following the Senior Exam Schedule.  Tuesday, the long classes C and E, Wednesday, the long periods are D and F, then on Thursday, G period is the long period.  Check your schedule for the order of classes for the rest of the day.

English:  Finishing up Of Mice and Men this week.  Make sure you keep up with the reading, and do the study guide questions each night. Tuesday--Chapter 4 Plot Summary w.s.;Wednesday--Finish Chapter 5 (from p. 93) and do questions.

History: With period G the long period on Thursday, get caught up with missing HW assignments. Chapter 21(3) that was due on Wednesday is a double homework grade. Make sure you get that in by Thursday.

Biology: Starting the Ecology Unit this week.  Notes and vocabulary on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Write a sensory paragraph about your favorite spot including all biotic and abiotic things.

Algebra: Probability

 Have a good week.  The rest of the year will fly by--only three weeks until final exams!!!! Are you ready?